Press Release Summary = Having a home based business is the best way to achieve a great income, make your own hours, be present to watch your family grow, and take personal control of your life direction.
Press Release Body = JOB SECURITY IS A MYTH. § There is no job security working for someone else. People are being laid off all over, even from the most solid and established corporations. § Over the past 10 years, Fortune 500 companies have laid off over 4.4 million workers! This downsizing has led to a trend in workers seeking home-based careers. These people are creating their own job security! THE MARKETPLACE HAS CHANGED. § No longer is it necessary to have a huge overhead to operate successfully. With today\'s available technology, even a small home-based business can make a BIG splash in the marketplace. § 24 million people currently operate either part-time or full-time businesses from their home, and these numbers are expected to grow to unprecedented levels over the next 10 years.
WORKING FROM HOME HAS MANY BENEFITS. Today\'s Home-Based Business Opportunities Offer: § Control of your time, your income, your schedule, and your future. § Limitless potential for extra income! § TAX BENEFITS! § Flexible Hours. Choice of working part time OR full time!
SATISFACTION, SELF-FULFILLMENT, HAPPINESS, & WEALTH. § 86% of home-based business owners report being happier running their own business compared to working for someone else. § 92% recommend working from home to others. § Less than 20% of Americans are self-employed, yet they control over 66% of the wealth in this country. § Self-employed people are 4 times more likely to become millionaires than those who work for others.
You are truly only limited by your own desires and motivation!!! When choosing a home based business look for something that has experienced longevity and has some sort of residual income. Whatever product you have make sure you are passionate about what you do, and finally if your spending more then 4 hours per day, not having fun doing it, you really won\'t have the success your looking for. Having a home based business for sure is not for everyone, but it\'s defanitly one way you can regain control of your life.
To Your Success, Lorraine Clifford 800.478.5393
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Contact Details = Lorraine Clifford 1-800-7-478-5393 Alberta Canada